Unioeler lubricators - RSM-B - UNI lubrication roller - Model RSM-B

Unioeler lubricators - RSM-B - UNI lubrication roller - Model RSM-B
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Unioeler lubricators - RSM-B - UNI lubrication roller - Model RSM-B

(with internal power supply) for the lubrication of yours chains, wire ropes and belts.

Roller lubrication UNI RSM - B can be used wherever there is not enough space to adapt to the proven RSM 80 roller lubrication.

The lubricant is supplied through the contral axis of the roller brush, protected against contamination.

The container having been designed for a practice installation allows adjustment of the roller brush even after complete assembly.

Material: Nickel-plated brass, V2A, aluminum.
Perlon bristles for temperatures up to 70 ° C. Bristles in steel for higher Temperatures.

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